Construction Rubble Discharger Chutes are used to clean the floors of erected or restored buildings from construction rubble and debris and its simultaneous loading in garbage containers or dump-trucks.
Because of its constructive simplicity, small weight, possible usage not only for the strictly vertical descents of rubble and debris, and interchangeability of elements, Construction Rubble Discharger Chutes are successfully applied at many building construction sites.
The column of construction rubble discharger chutes consists of the following elements:
(Picture) - accepting chute;
(Picture) - straight chute;
(Picture) - corbel of fastening;
(Picture) - extinguisher.
(Picture) - plastik extinguisher.
The accepting and straight chutes are supplied in sets with steel chains (with breaking strength 1100 kg) and threaded connecters-fasteners to connect the element of the construction rubble chutes column between each other.
The corbel fastens by clamps in a window aperture or to metal scaffolding. Safety rules provide usage of not less than 3 adjusting corbels with reception section on every 25 meters of chutes length.
The construction of products enables to combine accepting and straight chutes in any consecution.
The products are certified.